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What if there was a way to get more clients on your book this week?


Inside Marketing Magic for Stylists, you'll get everything you need to create offers that pack your books with dream clients so that you can stop thinking about a second job and start seriously growing your hair biz.

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Join Today - doors close soon!

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Tell  me if this sounds like you:

You want to book more clients.

You need to be excited about your career again instead of dreading the daily grind.

You have too many empty spaces on your calendar.

You're over trying to figure out where you're going wrong in your marketing.

You're tired of feeling like failure in your business and having to report the embarrassment to your family every day.

You just wish there was a repeatable way to book new clients faster and more reliably.

If that's you, I have GREAT news.


I help my clients with those same problems, every single day.

And if you're like any of them, you've probably made some of the same mistakes.






Mistakes like...

Mistake #1:

Using the excuse of  "I'm a hairstylist, not a marketer."

I had this excuse in the beginning of my career, too - I left the heavy lifting to whatever salon owner I was working for at the time and put all the responsibility of filling MY chair with clients on THEM.

And - my books were largely empty, and I was BROKE.


The problem with pushing off your marketing to your salon owner (or not learning it at all if you're independent) is that you're giving your power away to someone else. You're allowing your salon owner or your clients to decide if and when they're going to book with you.


As a result, your calendar is full of holes and your income is suffering for it.


Here's the truth: 80% of your business is selling and marketing. The other 20% is skill. Because it's nearly impossible to compete on skill alone, if you want clients in your chair consistently, you *must* know how to market to them effectively.


The good news is that marketing is easy - once you have the right tools and strategy. You just need the know-how.


When you understand your clients and their pain points and give them an irresistible reason to book with you, you take back control of your business. Your book fills up. Your confidence soars. Your income has no ceiling.


And everything in your hair biz becomes easier because you'll never have to worry about where your next client is coming from.


You'll learn marketing basics, build your irresistible offer, and get all the strategy you need to get clients booking with you FAST inside Marketing Magic for Stylists.

Mistake #2:

Posting on social media for the sake of "consistency"

You've probably heard something like, "Just keep posting pics of your work! Be consistent and post every day! The clients will come if you're consistent!"


Reality check: Posting the wrong stuff consistently will NOT get you clients.


I get it. You want to believe it. You want to believe it's really that easy. But the problem is that you're posting to crickets. Sure, people see your pics and your name. They might even drop you a comment or a like here and there.


But likes and comments don't equal clients booked, and they don't grow your bank account.


Worse, when you do that "consistently," the algorithm gods take it to mean that you're advertising or that your posts have little value. So they show your posts to fewer people.


Not exactly the flood of new clients you were hoping for.


But when you know how to get in front of your audience in a way that doesn't feel like advertising....


And you're actually helping them solve their problems...


And more people are getting their eyes on your posts...


THEN you're consistently showing up with value.


And your future clients love value. That's marketing.


I teach you the easy way to do this stuff inside Marketing Magic for Stylists - that way you're not spinning your wheels and wasting time on social media hoping for clients. You'll know exactly how to get them in your chair.


Mistake #3:

Tossing around discounts like Oprah hands out new cars

Ahhh, the dreaded discounts. Every stylist's desperate fallback when their books are empty and their bills are due.

We've all been there in some desperate attempt to salvage our dignity and business. So you get on every social media account you have and start yelling from the rooftops, "20% OFF TODAY ONLY!!"


You might even consider dropping your business cards on some cars at the local Walmart with a handwritten coupon on the back - "BOOK NOW AND GET 20% OFF YOUR FIRST SERVICE!!"


You gotta do something, right?


Here's the real issue with it though: When you're just throwing out discounts on your already low prices, people smell fear and desperation. And they stay far, far away from you.

Essentially, you're pushing them OUT of your chair instead of giving them a reason to get IN your chair.


What's worse is that there's never a plan to keep those clients coming back to see you. There's never a strategy behind what you're going to do with that discount shopper once they've landed in your salon and begun demanding everything for nothing. And then, you don't even want them to come back.


All that work you put in to tossing out discounts has now become a nightmare - less money, more work, and a TON of dissatisfaction all the way around.


Mindset shift - DISCOUNTS are not the enemy. LACK OF PLANNING and STRATEGY behind the discount is the enemy. When you know your audience, understand their problems, and have a no-brainer solution to what they're dealing with... You can give them an AMAZING offer WITH a discount that will actually get them to book in with you, and keep them around for the long-term.


 The best part is? I show you all about how to craft your no-brainer offer that gets clients booking with you on the regular, inside Marketing Magic - so you'll never have to discount your services (or your self-worth), if you don't want to.


Mistake #4:

Thinking that it will take you YEARS to build your clientele

Did you know that a "lifetime" client will only spend an average of 5 years with you?


They could be your perfect client, always on time, great tippers, LOVE what you do with their hair, shout your name from the rooftops and refer you to everyone they know...


And 9/10 times.... Vanish off the face of the earth within 5 years of becoming your client.


Veteran stylists will tell you that it takes years to build your book, while coaches and marketers will tell you it can be built nearly overnight. So what's the truth? And what's the point of it all if you're just going to start over again in 5 years?


Here's the truth: If you're relying on word of mouth, generalized advertising, sending out flyers, or your SEO to catch up, it will take you years to build.


Your books can be built far more quickly, IF you have an unstoppable offer and strategy in place to get clients consistently, and rebook them consistently.


So both the veteran stylists and the gurus are absolutely correct.


But if I needed to pay my bills and that required me to get clients booked now, I surely wouldn't be waiting on word of mouth or the Google gods.


I'd get a strategy in place to get new clients on my book AND get them to refer me to people they know. That way I wouldn't be waiting on my current clients to disappear, only to start over again from scratch.


You don't have to wait a lifetime to be as booked as you want to be. It's absolutely possible to fill your books within months, not years. I teach you exactly how to do this inside Marketing Magic!


Mistake #5:

Adding new services to get new clients

When you've got some gaps in your schedule, it's easy to get sucked in to watching the newest trends and techniques on social media.


The next thing you know, you're getting ads for extension kits, eyelash kits, the newest, grandest thing that will transform your business overnight!


And you start to think, 'Man, this could really help get clients to book for more services." So you buy it, learn it, practice it, and start to offer it...


But nobody is taking the bait.


Even your clients that you thought would surely go for it seem disinterested. Now, you've learned this thing, but ultimately wasted the money and time because nobody's booking it.


I hate to break the news to you, but it's not you. It's not the service, the technique, or your clients.


It's how you're presenting your new service to them.


The service alone is not going to sell itself. In fact, your clients may not even want that kind of service, making it an even harder sell.


The good news: you don't need that new awesome thing at all to fill your books. You can turn what you already do into an irresistible service that only you offer.


When that offer solves a bigger problem for your clients, it becomes their go-to solution that they'll ask for by name. And when you're the only one offering it? There's no choice but to book it with you.


The Signature Service System inside Marketing Magic shows you exactly how to create your own service - with or without that cool new thing you just learned.


Mistake #6:

Automating everything you can

Now, don't get me wrong, automation has its place and can save you some major time and headaches. I'm not hating on automation.


But when it comes to your hair business, online booking, generic followups, and multi-step appointment reminders are ruining your chances of creating a great bond with your clients.


Pair that cold automation with not seeing your client again for 3-6 months, and you have a recipe for disaster... And a recipe for having to work harder to get new clients in your chair to replenish the ones you lost to a machine than you would have without the automated processes in the first place.


People do business with people. Not businesses. While it might be okay to have automation for certain things, creating that bond with your customers can't be done by a machine. It has to be done by you.


And as a result of taking the time to do the important stuff in person, you get to know your client better and build a relationship with them outside of the time you spend on their hair.


That means you keep your clients more often, and you spend exponentially less time hustling for new business.




That doesn't mean you have to spend a ton of time on the phone or texting clients.


Inside Marketing Magic, I show you what can be automated, and a simple system you can implement that takes the time and dread out of personal client connection.


Imagine if...

There was a way to get clients in your chair within days, not weeks...

There was a way to create an asset for your business that does most of the marketing for you...

You could finally be proud of what you're contributing financially...

You could wake up every day knowing your business is thriving along with your bank account...

You could help more people feel beautiful and confident - just by sharing your skills with them...




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All of that's possible inside

Enroll today for a limited time bonus!

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Today only...

When you enroll in Marketing Magic through the end of the day, I'll also throw in my

Raving Reviews Templates and Training!


These are copy/paste review templates that you can fill in for your clients and have them sign off, or, just send them the framework so they can write you a STELLAR online review. You'll also get the followup email sequence to make sure they don't forget to write it! It's like a review machine, yours free when you enroll in the next 24 hours.

Who is this right for?

Seasoned Stylists

Clients dropping off? Can't handle all the crazy social media posting? No problem!


I'll break all this marketing and offer stuff into bite sized lessons that you can start using today to get more clients booked into your salon.


With Magic Marketing, it's not about becoming a marketer. It's about attracting more opportunities for you to do what you do best - hair - without spinning your wheels on how to get people flowing through the door.

Independent Stylists

If you've ventured out on your own in the last few years, you understand the frustration of doing hair, dealing with clients, and still trying to get new people to book into your calendar.


It's a lot. Let Marketing Magic take the stress out of your marketing activities so you can get clients rolling in now, and then maximize your success with retention strategies that keep your clients coming back sooner.


You'll save your time and your sanity!

Aspiring Self-Employed Stylists

Getting into your own chair or suite is an accomplishment for sure! But how will you keep clients flowing into the door reliably enough to pay those high product and rent bills?


Easy - Marketing Magic.


I'll show you how to create offers that appeal to the clients you most want to work with, and then eliminate your competition by helping you create your Signature Service - leaving your prospects no other choice than to book with you!

Basically, this is for you if:

You want to fill your books with clients and services you love.

You're trying to get your name out there to attract clients but don't know where to get started.

You know you should be marketing for clients on social media but you're overwhelmed by what to say to get them to book.

You're a talented and skilled stylist, but you're overwhelmed by how to stand out from the sea of other stylists in your area.

You want an easy, straightforward system to consistently booking dream clients in five weeks or less.

On the flip side...

This is not for you if...

You're looking for a get-rich-quick solution - it takes some up front effort

Your hair business is a hobby or just something to pass the time

You have no control over your pricing or new client promotions

You're just not interested in growing your clientele or your hair business

You already have a full book and don't need clients

Hi, I'm Crysta!

I'm from Knoxville, Tennessee, right here in the heart of the Appalachian mountains. I live here with my amazing partner, my ridiculously talented daughter, 3 dogs, and cat named Monster.

A few fun facts about me:


✨I'm a retrocognitive psychic medium and hold a bachelor's degree in Metaphysics

✨I'm a complete history nerd and wanted to be an archaeologist when I was a kid

✨My book addiction is out of control and is taking over my house

✨My dream is to live on a functional homestead (currently in progress) ✨I once danced with an actual lion (and now I'm a big cat conservation advocate)


But probably more relevant to you and to this class, I'm the creator of Zen Stylist Academy - an online business course platform for stylists and beauty pros, a digital marketing strategist, a Board Certified Colorist, and a veteran stylist of 24 years. I still work with clients in my home salon, but my passion is helping other independent stylists get more clients, make more money, and take the stress out of their career.

Why I created this:

I wanted to create a program where I could teach my offer method - the one that ultimately kept us going despite the odds. I chose to create this course because you have amazing talents to share with your clients, and you deserve to have more stability and control over your income.

I also believe that it's my duty as a seasoned stylist to pass my knowledge on to you so you don't give up on this competitive industry. Hair is an incredibly rewarding career when you can focus on your art and your clients - and that starts with income stability.

What's Inside

marketing Magic for Stylists:

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Phase 1: All About Audiences

In Phase 1, you'll sort out who you're really wanting in your chair according to your style, goals, and personality and then get it all on paper with your Perfect Match Client Workbook. Then you'll combine all of that juicy info into a profitable niche with the Natural Niching Planner so you can serve your clients at the highest level and know exactly who to look for.

We'll wrap up Phase 1 with running the numbers - you'll get all the plug-n-play calculators and financial goal setting tools you need to make sure you've cornered a niche market that's profitable and ready to get services now.


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Phase 2: Give 'Em A Reason

Phase 2 is all about your magical offer that will turn heads and get all eyes on you! We'll scope out your competitors (yes, you have them!) with the Salon Watchlist Training so you can ethically "steal" clients from other salons. Then we'll move onto crafting your signature offer with a built-in reason for clients to book with you right now!

We'll wrap up Phase 2 with a rough draft of what your offer will be and who you're getting it in front of - and you'll know exactly where to find them and how to reach them with the Client Hangouts Cheat Sheet.

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Phase 3: Proof!

The fun will just be getting started in Phase 3! This is where we nail your signature offer with services that your specific clients love to book using my Signature Service System. You'll decide on your timing, your pricing, and how much you'll "discount" it for, and then check the number again to ensure you're making money with your fantastic promotion.

The best part of this phase is adding your proof! I'll show you what to add to your signature offer to PROVE to your perfect clients that YOU are the stylist for them - that way they can keep singing your praises from the rooftops by the time we get to Phase 5.

The end of Phase 3 wraps up with everyone's favorite part - the Notable Naming Tool - so you can give your signature new offer its very own name! (Psst - this is the secret sauce to eliminating your "competition" forever!)

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Phase 4: Lights, Camera, ACTION - with incentive!

Once your perfect client-getting offer is solid and viable, we'll take it to market in Phase 4. You'll discover a super simple strategy to get that offer in front of your perfect clients now - and as if they didn't already have a burning desire to say YES right away, we'll give them another reason to get into your chair as fast as possible by getting them on the phone. But don't worry! I've got you covered with everything you need to say inside the Booked Out Sales Scripts.

Once you're starting to see the bookings (and upfront payments!) roll in, we'll take it up a notch in Phase 5 and get those clients back into your salon on the regular

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Phase 5: 3 R's - Rebook, Retain, Review

In Phase 5 we're going to turn on the magic by getting your dream clients back into your chair ASAP and writing you some amazing reviews with the Step-Down Strategy Toolkit! Reviews are one of the most powerful tools you can have to generate referrals, and I'll walk you through the only strategy you need to get those clients rebooked, retained, and referring you within days, not weeks.

Join Today! Doors are closing soon!

There's More! You'll Also Get:

Profitable Pricing Calculator ($197 value) - No amount of advertising will work for you if you're not profitable. Plug your numbers into this calculator and let it do the math for you!

CTA Catalog ($27 value) - Never run out of ways to ask clients to book with these copy/paste templates!

Badass Local Business Bribes ($197 value) - Go grassroots! Use these strategies to get your local businesses to advertise for you!

Obvious Objectives Training & Planner ($147 value) - Knowing what to offer to your perfect clients is awesome, but what do you want? Set your financial goals so you can measure your success as you go!

Profitable Promotions Calculator ($197 value) - Make sure your offers and promotions are financially doable before you start with this done-for-you calculator

Lifetime Access to All Updates ($997 value) - Any updates to this training are all yours...forever

Perfectly Packed Pitch Workbook ($197 value) - It's time to SELL! Use this workbook to help you formulate what you need to say to showcase your offer and start filling up your calendar!

Slay Your Socials Strategy ($297 value) - Social media is king for time-strapped stylists... Work smarter with this strategy

Zen Stylist Support Hub ($1,997 value) - The online Facebook community where you get personalized help from me, support from other stylists just like you, and a safe space to share your wins!

Today only...

When you enroll in Marketing Magic through the end of the day, I'll also throw in my
Raving Reviews Templates and Training!


These are copy/paste review templates that you can fill in for your clients and have them sign off, or, just send them the framework so they can write you a STELLAR online review. You'll also get the followup email sequence to make sure they don't forget to write it! It's like a review machine, yours free when you enroll in the next 24 hours.

A total value of $6,100

Get started today for just


$597, or two payments of $299

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Got Questions? I've Got Answers!

I'm introverted and quiet for a hairstylist. Will this still work for me?

Absolutely, yes! At first I thought I wasn't seeing success as a stylist because I'm introverted, too, and the public drained me - but I soon realized my introversion wasn't a problem at all. I created this entire program to be peaceful and profitable, without the crazy, gimmicky stuff that extroverts are happily doing (like insane social media campaigns - talk about draining).

Is there any human support included with this program?

Of course! As soon as you enroll in Marketing Magic, you'll get access to Zen Stylist Hub where you can come and ask any questions you may have and get support directly from me, as well as other stylists inside Marketing Magic.

If you need more intensive help, there's instructions on how to get that inside the course.

What happens after I buy? When and how do I get access to Marketing Magic?

Once you submit your payment information, you'll be taken to a page with further instructions on how to access the program. These instructions, your purchase receipt, and login details will be emailed to you immediately. If you don't see them, please check your spam and junk folders, and whitelist so important info lands where it should.

Is this a subscription or a one time payment?

Once you've paid for the course, it's yours forever. If you've chosen a payment plan, be aware of that, but otherwise, we don't hide things in terms and conditions. Marketing Magic is yours to keep and refer back to - without any extra charges, fees, or subscriptions, ever.

I've been a stylist for a long time. Will I still find value in your program?

Absolutely. Marketing Magic is built on tried and true marketing principles that simply work to get you clients- something you weren't taught in school. Even if you start with your Signature Service, you can use it right away to get more clients into your chair.

Does this only work for stylists? What about LMTs, estheticians, makeup artists, or nail techs? What about cosmetology students?

Marketing Magic was created specifically for independent stylists and stylists looking to become independent - because that's my personal experience and expertise.

The principles inside the program can be applied to others in the beauty industry, but there are many topics and strategies that I haven't personally tested outside of hair. With that being said, I do teach sound and proven business principles inside Marketing Magic, so you will find value there - it's just not created specifically for you.

If you are a cosmo student, and wondering exactly how you're going to get clients, Marketing Magic will help. If you are still unsure whether this program will work for you, please email me and I'll do my best to help you.

Is this stuff up to date, or is it old-school stuff I've heard before?

It's both, actually! People have been selling and marketing for thousands of years, so I can't tell you everything in Marketing Magic is new or something you haven't heard before. But what I can tell you is that these proven principles work everywhere... online or offline... and small tweaks have been made over the last 9 years to adapt these techniques to the digital space, if that's where you choose to use them.

With that being said, the ARPI Framework is my personal method of combining these marketing strategies to make a client attraction and retention system specifically for stylists, so you won't find that anywhere except inside Marketing Magic.

I'm already worn out at the end of the day, and my free time is limited. How long does this program take?

The short answer depends on you and your schedule.

If you want to binge the entire course Netflix style, you can get through it in about 3 days. But if you do the work as you go, this course may take you closer to 3 weeks. It's yours to keep and refer back to whenever, though, so as long as you're making steady progress, you'll succeed no matter how long it takes you!

How do I know this will work for me?

Marketing Magic was built on traditional marketing guidelines and updated for the digital world we live in now. I teach you how to create an offer that appeals to your target market and gives them an incentive to book with you - the same way world-class marketers and salespeople have been doing it for ages.


We know it works because it produces clients; I've used this same system to fill my books when I was completely out of options.


But will it work for you? The principles are sound, and the method is sound - so as long as you follow the instructions and do the work, I'm absolutely certain it will get you more clients, too!

What if I purchase Marketing Magic but decide it's not for me?

If you're an independent stylist that needs clients (or are heading that direction), I'm confident that Marketing Magic is for you, and will help you get more clients booked. If you're not looking to expand your client base, or you're not willing to learn a little marketing, I'd encourage you to reach out to the team *before* purchasing the course to see if we can help you another way.

​I'm not tech savvy. Will I still be able to use this program?

Yes! There's nothing "techy" about this program that you either don't already use regularly (like your phone and email), or can't use with the tutorials inside the course. All you need to do is follow directions! No extra equipment, subscriptions, or devices needed.


No other tech, tools, or programs are required for you to complete this course, although, there are a few things like email service providers or booking apps that you may want to consider down the line to automate some of your marketing. We'll talk a little about those inside Marketing Magic!

Do you have a money-back guarantee?

Unfortunately, I can't guarantee your participation in the program. But if you do the work and decide it's not working for you, just email us a copy of your completed Perfectly Packed Pitch Workbook and your Profitable Promotions Calculator within 14 days of purchase, and we'll issue you a refund.

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If Marketing Magic truly doesn't help you get more clients booked on your calendar, simply send us a copy of your completed Profitable Pricing Calculator and Pitch Workbook within 14 days of purchase and we'll issue you a full refund.

Beyond the 14 days, you're just stuck working with us! (But that's not so bad, promise!)


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If you've read this far...

You have two options:

Continue to spend more time and energy trying to figure it out on your own,

Or, finally have a proven system for creating a client-attracting offer that handles most of your marketing for you so you can finally start seeing predictable growth in your salon.

Imagine where you could be just one month from now.

You're ready to get more clients onto your books...
You're ready to stop posting all the wrong things to all the wrong people...
You're ready to start feeling positive and hopeful about your career and your business again...
You're ready to know exactly what to say to attract new clients and keep them coming back to you...
You're ready for hair to feel like your dream career again...
You're ready for Marketing Magic.

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©2023 by Crysta Foster, CHt, PLRT | All Rights Reserved. | 865-237-4204



Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and nothing you see here should be misconstrued as medical or health advice. Please consult your physician. Dial 911 or the proper authorities for medical emergencies.


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