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Nice to see you here! I'm Crysta Foster, lifelong psychic, master manifestor, Board Certified Hair Colorist, and past life regression therapist.  I've set out on a mission to show you the infinite power you hold in your mind to heal from physical ailments, release old emotional baggage, and manifest your dreams into existence so you can begin to create the life you want.



My Story

I realized I had an "overactive imagination" from a young age when it was  common to see me getting reprimanded from teachers and parents for "daydreaming." It just so happened, that it wasn't daydreams at all - and I wouldn't find out exactly what it was until many years later. Even then, living in the Bible Belt, I couldn't talk about such taboo subjects.  When I was 15, I found a pack of Tarot cards, and realized I knew what they meant without ever studying them.


I began to realize I was seeing glimpses of the past (and sometimes the future) in my early 20s. This translated into my learning past life regression on a very basic level, and it became a cool party trick and some great conversations for like-minds.  I found a community of new age healers around that same time and began to learn all I could about past lives and reincarnation, divination, metaphysics, and the power of intention. 


It's been a 30 year journey that's changed my life, and many of my clients' lives as well, but above all, the one thing I've truly learned is that my gifts are not spectacular, and they're not uncommon. We all have them - yes, even you - and you can gain the knowledge of the ages, through my abilities, or through your own.


I've come a long way since my younger days before the internet. I now enjoy working with people from all over the world, guiding them on their personal past life journeys, giving insight and guidance where they need it most, and teaching them to harness the power of the mind to create their own reality through manifestation, psychic development, and healing.


I hold diplomas in Past Life Regression Therapy (Past Life Awakening Institute, 2020), Clinical Hypnotherapy (American Hypnosis Institute, 2020), and am currently enrolled in a doctorate program for philosophical and metaphysical counseling. I've completed numerous courses of in person and self-study in psychic mediumship, divination, energy healing (color therapy, sound healing), and Reiki (3rd degree Master). 


My 24 year career in the hair industry taught me a lot about hair, and a ton about people.  While I still take on new hair clients from time to time, my main focus now is educating other stylists to become independent, successful salon owners. You'll see some resources on this site for them, too.


I currently live in Knoxville, Tennessee, US with my wonderful (past life) partner, my ridiculously talented teenage artist, one stubborn pitbull, two Australian Shepherds, and my lovey man, Sullivan the Great (AKA, Monster), my fluffy, furry Maine Coon. I enjoy going to the ocean, metal detecting for buried treasure in these old mountains, and painting in my free time.


So what about you? What brings you here? Drop in and say hello sometime. I'm always happy to meet new faces. 


Talk soon, 


xx Crysta

©2023 by Crysta Foster, CHt, PLRT | All Rights Reserved. | 865-237-4204



Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and nothing you see here should be misconstrued as medical or health advice. Please consult your physician. Dial 911 or the proper authorities for medical emergencies.


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